What is the difference between a natural and synthetic gemstone?
Natural gemstones and diamonds take millions of years to form naturally inside the earth’s
crust, but synthetic stones are mass-produced by humans in a laboratory within a few
hours/days with chemical and physical properties exactly the same as natural gemstones.
Synthetic gems and diamonds lack the super-natural powers & energy of Natural Gemstones
therefore they are not recommended for astrological purposes.
The most important factor which is the cause of the difference in prices is the rarity factor.
Natural Gemstones are very rare to find and as the natural resources deplete, it becomes even
rarer. Whereas synthetic gemstones' production increases at a reducing cost as the technology
advances. Therefore even though synthetic gems have improved color and clarity than natural,
they are inexpensive.
Greenland Ruby aprox 2.9 Billion yrs old
(Aprox age of Earth is 4.54 Billion years)
Synthetic Rubies
(Formed in Laboratory in few days or weeks)
What are inclusions?
Inclusions are naturally formed minerals, fingerprints, fissures, or any other feature which are
within the gemstone and are usually sculpt at the time formation under the earth's crust. These
inclusions might sometimes reach the surface of the gemstone in the form of cavities, inverted
crystals, etc. Following are a few examples of beautiful inclusions in Natural Gemstones:
Why are natural gemstones often clouded by inclusions?
Natural gemstones are not produced in laboratories with perfection but are produced by our
mother earth with an enormous amount of supernatural energy and powers within them.
During its formation, crystals of other minerals often enter the gemstone. Natural gemstones
are also often clouded by feathers which are known as fingerprints of nature. These birthmarks
or inclusions also help in differentiating natural gemstones from synthetics. Colored Gemstone
clarity types classified by Gemological Institute of America (GIA):
Type 1
Usually Eye Clean Type 2
Usually Included Type 3
Almost Always Included
None of the colored gemstones in "Navratnas" come under this category Sapphires &
Hessonite Garnet
Diamonds Emeralds
Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye
Therefore finding an Eye Clean Emerald is very much rarer than finding an Eye Clean Hessonite
Garnet. Diamonds are graded based on the GIA Grading Scale which is different compared to
colored gemstones. Corals and Pearls are organic gemstones which are always semi-translucent
to opaque.
What are four C's in gemstones & diamonds?
The Four C's - Color, Clarity, Cut & Carat Weight are the most important factors which determine
the value & quality of a gemstone.
Is there anything beyond 4C's I should look for?
Absolutely Yes! There's much more than 4C's in gemstones & diamonds which are looked at by a
Gemologist to grade & value a gem. Few of them are as follows:
Enhancements: Most of the gemstones and diamonds are treated or enhanced by humans to
improve the color and clarity of a gemstone. Treatments might improve the appearance of a
gemstone, but Untreated gemstones win over the rarity factor. Therefore un-enhanced
gemstones dominate the market price of any gemstone.
Characteristics: This is one of the most important factors which differentiates colored
gemstones from Diamonds. "Beauty is in the eyes of its Beholder" - The character of every
gemstone is different and unique. A gemstone that might appeal to someone might not appeal
to another person.
Certification: A gemstone needs to be certified as there are many synthetics & natural
imitations which closely resemble their natural counterparts. Moreover, most natural
gemstones are also enhanced with treatments that are difficult to identify by a layman. Only an
authentic certificate can assist a customer with all the details required.
Origin: The origin of a gemstone also plays an important role many times. Few origins have a
premium "Brand Value" compared to others due to many factors. Example: Kashmir Sapphire,
Columbian Emeralds, and Burmese Rubies are priced way higher than similar-looking gemstones
from other origins.
What is a treatment? Why are gemstones enhanced or treated?
Enhancements/treatments are a valuable addition to the beauty of natural gemstones through
various processes carried on by human beings to enhance the overall appearance of the
gemstone. Generally, low and medium grade gemstones are enhanced / treated to improve the
color, clarity, or durability of the gemstone. Therefore treated natural gemstones are priced far
less compared to natural untreated gemstones.
Common enhancements include Dyeing, Lead / Glass Filling in Rubies & Sapphires, Resin filling in
Emeralds & Corals, Thermal Enhancements with or without additives, etc.
How do I know if my gemstone or diamond is genuine?
Unfortunately, you'll not. Only an experienced gemologist or diamantaire can distinguish
genuine gemstones from synthetics, imitations, or fake ones. For a layman, certifications & trust
are important factors that you must look for while buying gemstones from any merchant.
Why are natural gemstones expensive?
Gem mines are not found all over the world, but they are discovered only in few locations. It
might take millions of years for gemstones to form under the earth's crust. Moreover, it might
take another million years to discover gemstone and diamond mines around the world. Out of
the total gemstones extracted from these mines approximately 1/100th are of Gem Quality and
out of these less than 5% are more than 3 carats.
Thus finding a clear-transparent and beautifully colored gemstone is extremely rare.
Gemstones travel a long journey before they reach us. How much are you paying for such a
precious gemstone? Are they really expensive? Prices are mere numbers and can never define
the real value of a natural gemstone.
What is Carat?
Carat is the standard unit of weight around the world in which a gemstone or diamond is
measured. Carat originated from the Latin word "Carratus" which relates to Carob Bean (seed).
1 Carat = 200 milligrams = 0.200 grams
Is Carat related to the purity of gemstone?
No, it is not related to the purity of a gemstone. Carat only defines the Weight of a gemstone or
diamond. It is often confused with the Karat of Gold or other precious metals that defines the
purity of the metal.
What is the difference between Carat & Ratti?
Carat (0.200mg) is the standard unit of weight measurement for gemstones and diamonds
around the world. Whereas Ratti (0.1215mg / 0.182mg) is a traditional unit of measurement in
India based on Ratti Seed, which was used a long time ago when accurate weighing scales did
not exist. Ratti is still used by many astrologers in India to recommend gemstones.
We often recommend our customers to get the required gem weight in carats as there are few
variations in Ratti (Sunari ratio & Pakki Ratti). Astrologers from different regions of India use
different calculations for recommending gemstones.
1 Carat = 0.200 milligrams
1 Ratti = 0.1215 milligrams (Sunari Ratti)
1 Ratti = 0.1822 milligrams (Pakki Ratti)
I want to buy a natural gemstone. How much will it cost?
Gemstones & Diamonds never come at a fixed price point. The pricing of these gemstones varies
widely depending on many factors including the 4C's, Character, Certifications, Origin, etc. These
gemstones might start at a very basic price point and might also run in millions. Get in touch
with us to find which gemstone best suits your requirements.
What is CVD Diamond?
CVD Diamonds are synthetic diamonds manufactured using the CVD (Carbon Vapor Deposition)
technology. As they are Synthetic Diamonds, their chemical & physical properties and
appearance are exactly the same as Natural Diamonds. Even gemologists and diamantaires
cannot differentiate between a Natural and Synthetic Diamond through naked eyes or basic
testing equipment. Only advanced equipment can differentiate synthetic diamonds from a
Natural one.
What are "conflict gemstones" or "blood diamonds"?
Gemstones and Diamonds are illegally mined in conflicted territories or war zones which either
involve the exploitation of human resources at the mining locations or are sold to fund the
war/fight. The violence isn’t just limited to the act of war and fighting. Children are forced to
work at these locations forcefully 24/7, 365 days. Sexual violence against women is used as a
means of war with rapes being rampant. Ironically such Diamonds are also termed as "Blood
Diamonds" because directly or indirectly these funds are utilized towards the bloodshed of
innocent people across the world. These gemstones and diamonds might be available at a
reasonable price due to their conflicted origins.
The Kimberly Process Certification Scheme (KPSC), certified by The United Nations for Diamonds
has had reasonable success and is akin to a band-aid to the whole problem. India was one of the
founder participants of this scheme when it was formed with a mandate from the United
Nations Organisation, to prevent the trade in conflict diamonds.
AK Gems ( being a member of GJEPC (Nodal Agency for KPCS in India), all
Diamonds are responsibly sourced from legal routes via the Kimberly Process Certification
Scheme. We are dedicated in our efforts to source all are colored gemstones from conflict-free
channels and mining zones.
What is Cubic zirconia or American Diamond?
Cubic Zirconia (CZ) is a synthetic gemstone that imitates Diamonds (look alike) in appearance.
These stones are completely different from synthetic or natural diamonds as their chemical
and physical properties differ from that of a Diamond. "American Diamond (AD)" is just a trade
term to market Cubic zirconia. Swarovski CZ is one of the most common brands of CZ.
Are your gemstones genuine & natural?
Absolutely Yes! You can be 100% sure when you buy a gemstone or diamond from AK Gems
( Our buying & testing offices are well equipped with all gem testing resources
and experienced Gem-A / GIA qualified gemmologists & diamantaires for efficient gem testing. It
is only because of these standards & sophisticated environment, that we can guarantee the
authenticity of every gemstone & diamond merchandise.
Do you provide a gem authenticity certificate?
Yes. Every gemstone you buy from us, come along with a lab report from AK Gems
( Moreover, AK Gems (' report verification system provides an
additional level of assurance, allowing you to quickly and conveniently confirm that the
information on your report matches what is archived in the AK Gems ( report
database, irrespective of the place from where you have purchased your gemstone.
Most of the exceptional gemstones are pre-certified from laboratories that are internationally
recognized for their transparency, integrity & reliability. Solitaire Diamonds over 30 cents
offered by us are graded by GIA.
Is AK Gems ( certificate reliable?
Trusted by jewelers and consumers alike, AK Gems ( Reports represent a high
standard of reliability, consistency, and integrity. Our gemologists are continuously involved in
research to update their knowledge regularly in order to issue accurate & error-free reports of
the gemstones tested.
Do Astrological Gemstones work?
Yes, we firmly believe in the supernatural powers of gemstones. But a gemstone would reflect
its benefits to the wearer only when they are properly analyzed, recommended & selected. The
selection of the right quality of gemstone is one of the principal necessity of an astrological
gemstone. Get in touch with our support team now for assistance.
Does provide astrological gem recommendation?
No. As of now, we do not provide any astrological services to our customers. We believe that
astrology and gemology are two different aspects and provide the best results only when both
aspects are analyzed individually by their own masters. Only an independent astrologer can
provide an accurate, unbiased recommendation. And only a Gemologist can provide a genuine
gemstone with all treatment disclosure & clarifications.
What gem weight is recommended for astrological purposes?
Through our experience of years in astrological gemstones, we firmly believe that weight should
always be a secondary criterion while selecting any gemstone. The quality of the gemstone
should be your primary criteria while selecting a gemstone for astrological or talismanic
purposes. A gemstone with fine color & clarity and without any major enhancements is the
prime norm.
Why do astrologers recommend gemstone in Ratti?
Ratti is a traditional Indian weight measurement unit that is used for centuries. Most of the
Vedic astrologers still follow this old traditional unit to recommend gemstones. There is a
conflict in standard Ratti conversion, therefore we recommend you to insist your astrologers to
either define their Ratti to carat conversion rate or recommend in terms of Carat, which is the
standard unit worldwide.
Are treated or enhanced gemstones recommended for astrology?
No. Enhanced gemstones lack the basic essence of a Natural Gemstone, therefore AK Gems
( insists on adorning a gemstone free of any major treatments performed for
astrological & talismanic jewelry. Minor enhancements like cutting & polishing of gemstones,
colorless oil in Emeralds, a colorless polymer in corals, etc are accepted, but any treatment
which transforms or changes the internal or external physical & chemical properties of a natural
gemstone is not suitable for astrological segments.
Enhancement gemstones are absolutely fine to be worn as a part of gold & diamond studded
fashion jewelry.